Yes, acupuncture is a very effective treatment for many conditions. Results are often quick but do depend on varying aspects such as how long you have had the problem, age, surgeries, pharmaceutical use and overall health.
Yes, acupuncture is a very effective treatment for many conditions. Results are often quick but do depend on varying aspects such as how long you have had the problem, age, surgeries, pharmaceutical use and overall health.
The majority of patients report that receiving acupuncture needles is a painless process. The needles are close in diameter to a strand of hair, making insertion effortless. There can sometimes be a very quick sensation that closely mimics pulling a hair on your arm, the feeling is there and then it’s gone.
Yes. Acupuncture is a holistic approach to health care where the primary focus is on the core condition and/or the main complaint. Often times when treating these aspects, secondary complaints fade away and are no longer bothersome. This can be seen as beneficial side effects of acupuncture.
Acupuncture can be covered under some insurances. The best way to find out if you have coverage is to call the customer service line on the back of your card and ask a representative if you are covered for alternative care, specifically acupuncture. If you are covered, request the benefit details for an out-of-network provider.
There is no standard to how many treatments one will need. Since the goal is to make core changes within the body, giving acupuncture a good try is generally around 5 or 6 treatments. This allows for the imbalance to be corrected and solidified. Initially treatments are received weekly and then the time between is lengthened as health is restored. Throughout the entire process, open communication about your progress is encouraged.
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