The therapy of acupuncture is inserting hair fine single use needles into particular points on the body to redirect energy and restore health. The acupuncture points are chosen based on palpitation results and the verbal discussion between patient and practitioner. Points are placed over the entire body and work together to send a clear message of healing. Receiving acupuncture is generally painless and relaxing.
At River City Wellness, the techniques of Chinese and Japanese acupuncture are practiced with a focus on the latter. Japanese diagnosis is palpitation based with emphasis on the abdomen, neck, back and meridians. The needles tend to be a bit smaller and the insertion less noticeable.
Acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage and meditation are key components to Oriental medicine.
Herbs are used to reinforce the Chinese diagnosis given and are influential to the speed of recovery. Formulas are prescribed and administered in capsule or pill form.
Touch is extremely beneficial to the healing process, making massage an invaluable aspect to the medicine. Shiatsu and Tuina massage are both physical therapies given alongside needles in a treatment.
Relaxing both the physical and mental body, meditation is often overlooked. While receiving an acupuncture treatment is often very meditative, one is also encouraged to have a personal mediation practice at home.
Yin and Yang, in essence, is at the root of Chinese medical theory. The principle holds the basic understanding that dualities, that are unified and unchanging, keep everything in balance. An object is neither fully yang or yin, both coexisting together, and to fully understanding anything one must first consider it’s opposite. The body consists of both yin and yang aspects and to maintain health, these dualities need to harmoniously support and depend on each other for existence.
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